crc | |
gzip_data | |
US_ConstantModels | |
US_WinData | |
processes | A structure to control launching of external processes within the main UltraScan program |
help_data | A structure to control calls to help within the main UltraScan program |
Average | |
bucket | Store and retrieve solution data |
cellInfo | |
DataPoint | |
distro_sys | < |
EqRunFit_s | |
EqScanFit_s | |
FitCtrlPar_s | |
gridpoint | |
groupinfo_s | |
Limit | |
listInfo | |
MyButton | Class to enable tracing which button was clicked |
QThreadEx | |
ReversedScale | |
ScanEdit_s | |
ScanInfo | |
short_sim_comp_s | |
solute_s | Simple structure for essential values of each solution distribution point |
ThreadWorker | Worker thread to do Lamm equation calculations for us_fematch |
TripleIndex | |
US_2dPlot | |
US_2dsa | |
US_2dsaProcess | 2DSA Processor object |
US_AbstractCenterpiece | Centerpiece data |
US_AbstractRotorGui | |
US_Action | A subclass of QAction to allow sending an integer when a menu item is selected |
US_Admin | A class to allow the user to set or change the user's Master Password |
US_AdvAnalysis2D | A class to provide a window for advanced analysis controls |
US_AdvAnalysisPc | A class to provide a window for advanced analysis controls |
US_Advanced | A class to allow the user to set, modify or delete advanced parameters |
US_AdvancedFem | A class to provide a window for advanced analysis controls |
US_AdvDmgaMc | A class to provide a window for advanced DMGA-MC analysis controls |
US_AnalysisBase2 | A base class for analysis programs. Other programs will derive from this class and override layouts and functions as required for the specific analysis to be done |
US_AnalysisControl2D | A class to provide a window with 2DSA analysis controls |
US_AnalysisControlPc | A class to provide a window with 2DSA analysis controls |
US_Analyte | A base class to hold analytes |
US_AnalyteGui | A class that manages analyte composition and characteristics |
AnalyteInfo | |
US_AssociationsGui | A window to edit a model's associations |
US_Astfem_RSA | The module that calculates simulation data |
US_Astfem_Sim | Main window to control and display an ultracentrifugation simulation |
US_AstfemMath | A group of static mathematical functions to support finite element calculations |
AstFemParameters | Parameters for finite element solution |
ComponentRole | Component Role |
MfemData | A data set comprised of scans from one sample taken at constant speed |
MfemInitial | Initial concentration conditions |
MfemScan | A scan entry |
ReactionGroup | Reaction Group |
US_Buffer | The internal structure of a buffer |
US_BufferComponent | The internal structure of a buffer component |
US_BufferGui | An application to manage buffer data |
BufferInfo | |
US_Buoyancy | |
US_Choice | |
US_ClipData | A window for specifing the data range for a simulation |
US_Color | Allow the user to set or change the colors used in UltraScan |
US_ColorGradient | Color gradient generator; output is color steps XML file |
US_ColorGradIO | Get colors list from color steps XML file. All functions are static |
US_CombineModels | |
US_Config | Provide the top level window for user configuration |
US_Constants | Fetch preset values. All functions are static |
US_Constraints | |
AssociationConstraints | A class to specify constraints of a component analyte |
Constraint | A class to give details to an individual constraint |
ModelSystemConstraints | |
SimulationComponentConstraints | A class to specify constraints of a component analyte |
US_ConstraintsEdit | A window to edit a discreteGA constraints model |
US_Convert | |
Excludes | Class to contain a list of scans to exclude from a data set for a single c/c/w combination |
TripleInfo | Class that contains information about relevant cell/channel/wavelength combinations |
US_ConvertGui | |
US_ConvertIO | |
US_Crc | Class to provide a method for CRC-32 calculations |
US_Crypto | A class to encrypt and decrypt the user's database passwords |
US_Database | A class to allow the user to set, modify or delete parameters for database access |
US_DataFiles | Get output data file name. All functions are static |
US_DataIO | Data structures and methods to read/write experimental data |
BeckmanRawScan | Beckman Raw data scan |
EditedData | The CCW data after edits are applied |
EditedPoint | Changes made to a scan value |
EditValues | Entries for edits of a scan |
NewEditedData | The CCW data after edits are applied |
Parameters | A private convenience class |
RawData | All data associated with a cell / channel / wavelength (CCW) |
Scan | Single scan parameter and readings |
SpeedData | Additional data for each triplet, if equilibrium data |
US_DataLoader | A dialog class to select and load data (edited or raw) |
DataDesc | |
US_DataModel | |
DataDesc | |
US_DataProcess | |
US_DataTree | |
US_DB2 | This class provides connectivity and convenience functions for database access in the US3 system |
US_Dcdt | |
US_DDistr_Combine | A class to combine discrete distributions (models) in a bar plot |
DistrDesc | |
US_Disk_DB_Controls | Create a Lyaout with radio buttons for selection of disk or DB selection |
US_DistribPlot | A class to provide a window with the details of a run |
US_dmGA_Constraints | |
Constraint | Float constraint object with type and range |
US_DMGA_Init | |
US_DmgaMcStats | DMGA-MC Statistics and Processor object |
US_Edit | |
Edits | |
US_Editor | Class for text edit/display |
US_EditorGui | |
US_EditScan | |
US_EqFitControl | |
US_EqHistogram | Simple Dialog to display a histogram plot |
US_EqMath | |
US_EqModelControl | |
US_EqReporter | |
US_EquilTime | |
US_ExcludeProfile | |
US_Experiment | |
CalibrationInfo | |
RotorInfo | |
US_ExperimentGui | |
US_ExperimentGuiRa | |
US_ExperimentRa | |
CalibrationInfo | |
RotorInfo | |
US_ExportLegacy | |
US_FDS_FileManager | |
US_FeMatch | |
US_FitMeniscus | |
ModelDesc | |
NoiseDesc | |
US_FitWorker | |
US_Font | A class to allow the user to select a customized font |
US_GA_Initialize | |
US_GetDBExp | |
RunInfo | |
US_GetDBRunRa | |
RunInfo | |
US_GetEdit | |
US_GetRun | |
RunInfo | |
US_Global | Manage shared memory |
Global | |
US_GlobalEquil | |
US_Grid_Editor | |
US_GuiSettings | Fetch and set Gui values via QSettings. All functions are static |
US_GuiUtil | General GUI utilities for UltraScan |
US_Gzip | |
config | For definition of different compression levels |
ct_data | |
huft | |
tree_desc | |
US_Hardware | A set of static functions to handle hardware data |
US_Help | Launch help programs |
US_HelpDaemon | Launch help programs |
US_HttpPost | A text only class to manage HTTP requests |
US_Hydrosim | A class describing the characteristics of a molecule |
US_Hydrocomp | |
US_Images | Fetch an embedded image as Pixmap or Icon. All functions are static |
US_Intensity | A class to provide a detail plot of the intensity profile |
US_IntensityRa | A class to provide a detail plot of the intensity profile |
US_Investigator | An Interface for investigator information |
US_InvestigatorData | A class for storing investigator data in the DB |
US_LammAstfvm | Module to calculate simulation data by AST Finite Volume Method |
Mesh | Finite volume mesh for ASTFVM solution |
SaltData | Salt data for co-sedimenting |
US_License | Manage a user's UltraScan license |
US_License_t | A text only class to provide a check to ensure a valid license |
US_ListWidget | Set a custom list widget that can override the default size |
US_ListwidgetBox | |
US_ListwidgetBoxRa | |
US_LM | |
LM_Control | Class holding input controls for LM computations |
LM_CurveData | Collection of LM Curve data |
LM_Status | Collection of output status parameters from LM computations |
US_LoadableNoise | Count loadable noise available and set up for load |
US_LoadAUC | A dialog class to select and load raw data |
DataDesc | |
US_LongMessageBox | Simple QMessageBox-like dialog for long messages |
US_ManageData | |
DataDesc | |
US_Math2 | A collecion of methematical routines. All functions are static |
Peptide | A structure used for calculating a peptide sequence |
SolutionData | A structure used for holding solution data |
US_Matrix | A set of general purpose matrix functions. All functions are static |
US_Memory | Platform-dependent resident memory (RSS) utilities |
US_MLinesPlot | A class to provide a window with a model lines plot |
US_Model | A class to define a model and provide Disk/DB IO for models |
Association | Reversible association class The chemical constants associated with a reaction |
MfemInitial | |
SimulationComponent | Simulation component (solute/analyte) class Each analyte in the model is a component. A sedimenting solute can also be a component |
US_ModelAdPars | |
US_ModelEditor | A window to edit a model for simulation |
US_ModelGui | A window to edit a model for simulation |
ModelDesc | |
US_ModelLoader | A dialog class to select a model and load its distribution data |
ModelDesc | |
US_ModelRecord | US_ModelRecord object |
US_ModelSelect | |
US_MPI_Analysis | |
Bucket | |
Fitness | |
MPI_Job | |
Result | |
Sa_Job | |
US_MrecsLoader | A dialog class to select a model and load its distribution data |
MrecsDesc | |
US_MwlData | |
DataHdr | |
US_MwlPlotControl | A class to provide a window with enhanced plot controls |
US_mwlRamp | Class for Ramp Data: importing from raw files or loading from vectors of rawData |
RampRawData | Variables read from MWL-ramp files |
US_MwlRawViewer | |
US_MwlRun | |
RunInfo | |
US_MwlSpectra | |
US_MwlSPlotControl | A class to provide a window with enhanced plot controls |
US_Noise | Noise Vector object |
US_NoiseLoader | A class for selecting and loading noise records from a tree view |
US_Passwd | A class to get the user's master password |
US_pcsa | |
US_pcsaProcess | PCSA Processor object |
US_Plot | A class that provides plot widgets |
US_Plot3D | A class to provide a window for a qwtplot3d surface plot |
US_Plot3Dxyz | A class to provide a window for a qwtplot3d surface plot |
US_PlotAxisConfig | A window to customize plot axes |
US_PlotConfig | A window to allow customization of plots initialized |
US_PlotControl2D | A class to provide a window with enhanced plot controls |
US_PlotControlFem | A class to provide a window with enhanced plot controls |
US_PlotControlPc | A class to provide a window with enhanced plot controls |
US_PlotCurveConfig | A window to customize plot curves |
US_PlotGridConfig | A window to customize a plot's grid |
US_PlotLabel | A window to customize plot labels |
US_PlotPicker | Customize plot picker characteristics and mouse events |
US_PlotPushbutton | A specialized push button class for US_Plot to automatically tie a specialed signal to a the push button |
US_Predict1 | |
US_Predict2 | |
US_Project | |
US_ProjectGui | |
ProjectInfo | Information that is useful throughout US_ProjectGui |
US_ProjectGuiAUC_questions | This class forms the content of the AUC_questions tab in the US_Project GUI |
US_ProjectGuiBufferComponents | This class forms the content of the buffer components tab in the US_Project GUI |
US_ProjectGuiExpDesign | This class forms the content of the expDesign tab in the US_Project GUI |
US_ProjectGuiExpense | This class forms the content of the expense tab in the US_Project GUI |
US_ProjectGuiGeneral | |
US_ProjectGuiGoals | This class forms the content of the Goals tab in the US_Project GUI |
US_ProjectGuiMolecules | This class forms the content of the molecules tab in the US_Project GUI |
US_ProjectGuiNotes | This class forms the content of the notes tab in the US_Project GUI |
US_ProjectGuiPurity | This class forms the content of the purity tab in the US_Project GUI |
US_ProjectGuiSaltInformation | This class forms the content of the salt information tab in the US_Project GUI |
US_Properties | A class to manage analytes in a model |
US_Pseudo3D_Combine | Class for displaying models in pseudo-3D |
US_PushButton | An overloaded QPushButton to allow an index to be set and a signal to be emitted with the index. Allows the connected handler to tell which buttone was pushed |
US_Ramp | |
TripleInfo | Class that contains information about relevant cell/channel/wavelength combinations |
US_RampGui | |
US_RasmolControl | |
US_RemoveDistros | A class to provide a window for remove_distros analysis controls |
US_Report | |
ReportDocument | Describes an individual report document. This document would be a png or an html snippet that could be included as one of many documents available to be a part of a report |
ReportTriple | Describes an individual report. This report would ordinarily be associated with a particular runID and triple ( c/c/w ) within the experiment, and could contain any number of report documents |
ReportTypes | Map report types: name-to-label and name-to-mimetype |
US_Reporter | |
DataDesc | |
US_ResidPlot2D | A class to provide a window with experimental/residuals plots |
US_ResidPlotFem | A class to provide a window with experimental/residuals plots |
US_ResidPlotPc | A class to provide a window with experimental/residuals plots |
US_ResidsBitmap | A class to provide a window with a residuals bitmap |
US_RiNoise | |
US_Rotor | |
AbstractRotor | AbstractRotor structure describes a generic 4- or 8-hole rotor |
Instrument | Instrument class describes an AUC instrument |
Lab | Lab class describes a location where AUC hardware is used |
Operator | Operator class defines who can operate an AUC instrument |
Rotor | Rotor structure describes a derived 4- or 8-hole rotor |
RotorCalibration | RotorCalibration class describes a calibration experiment and associated data |
US_RotorCalibration | |
US_RotorGui | |
US_RpScan | A dialog class for Tikhonov regularization parameter scan/plot |
US_RunDetails2 | A class to provide a window with the details of a run |
graphValue | |
US_Sassoc | Class to show results of Self-Association Equilibrium Simulation This program allows you to simulate the relative amounts of monomer, dimer and tetramer species present in a self-association equilibrium |
US_SecondMoment | |
US_SelectBase | |
US_SelectBaseRa | |
US_SelectBox | |
US_SelectBoxRa | |
US_SelectEdits | A dialog class to select edit IDs of runs for models,noises pre-filter |
EditDesc | < description of each edit set in the list presented |
US_SelectLambdas | |
US_SelectRunDD | A dialog class to select run ID for combo discrete distributions plot |
US_SelectRunid | A dialog class to select run ID for vHW plot distributions |
US_SelectRuns | A dialog class to select run IDs of runs for models,noises pre-filter |
RunDesc | < description of each edit set in the list presented |
US_SelectTriples | |
US_SelectTriplesRa | |
US_SequenceEditor | A class to bring up a dialog that edits an analyte sequence |
US_Settings | Fetch and set values via QSettings. All functions are static |
US_SimulationParameters | A class to hold parameters of a run for simulation purposes |
SpeedProfile | Each distinct RPM value in a series of speeds |
US_SimulationParametersGui | A window for editing simulation parameters |
US_Sleep | A static only class to provide sleep functions, primarily for Windows. Although this file is in the utils library directory, it is not included in the library because everything that is needed is in the header |
US_Solute | Solutes for UltraScan |
US_SoluteData | |
US_Solution | |
AnalyteInfo | Class that contains information about the individual analytes |
US_SolutionGui | |
SolutionInfo | |
US_SolutionVals | Fetch solution/buffer values (vbar, density, viscosity, compressibility) for an edited data set |
US_SolveSim | Solve a simulation, using an experiment data set, a model, and simulation parameters |
DataSet | Class containing information for each data set input to calc_residuals() |
Simulation | Class for communicating simulation |
US_SpectrogramData | Class derived from QwtRasterData to supply QwtPlotSpectrogram data |
US_StiffBase | Stiff Base object |
Gauss2D | Triplet class (x,y,w) for gaussians |
US_SyncExperiment | |
US_SyncWithDB | A dialog class to select and load data (edited or raw) |
US_Table | |
US_Tar | |
posix_header | |
US_TimeState | A class for Time State details in time-indexed data records |
US_Util | General utilities for UltraScan |
US_Vector | Us_vector.h |
US_vHW_Combine | |
DistrDesc | |
US_vHW_Enhanced | |
US_VhwCPlotControl | A class to provide a window with enhanced plot controls |
US_Widgets | Set up widgets the UltraScan way |
US_WidgetsDialog | Set up widgets the UltraScan way |
US_Win | UltraScan initial screen |
procData | |
US_WindowMessage | Connect with window(s) for control messages |
Interpreter | Interpreter definition |
US_Zoomer | A class to implement plot zooming |
US_ZSolute | Solutes for UltraScan (XYZ form) |
work_packet_2d_s | Worker thread task packet |
work_packet_pc_s | Worker thread task packet |
WorkerThread2D | Worker thread to do actual work of 2DSA analysis |
WorkerThreadPc | Worker thread to do the actual computational work of PCSA analysis |