UltraScan III
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US_ModelRecord Class Reference

US_ModelRecord object. More...

#include "us_pcsa_modelrec.h"

Collaboration diagram for US_ModelRecord:
Collaboration graph

Public Slots

void clear_data (void)
 A public slot to clear data vectors (sim_data,residuals,noise) More...
static int compute_slines (double &, double &, double &, double &, int &, int &, double *, QVector< US_ModelRecord > &)
 Static public function to compute straight line model records. More...
static int compute_sigmoids (int &, double &, double &, double &, double &, int &, int &, double *, QVector< US_ModelRecord > &)
 Static public function to compute sigmoid curve model records. More...
static int compute_hlines (double &, double &, double &, double &, int &, int &, double *, QVector< US_ModelRecord > &)
 Static public function to compute horizontal line model records. More...
static int compute_2ndorder (double &, double &, double &, double &, int &, int &, double *, QVector< US_ModelRecord > &)
 Static public function to compute 2nd-order line model records. More...
static int load_modelrecs (QXmlStreamReader &xml, QVector< US_ModelRecord > &, QString &, int &, double &, double &, double &, double &, int &)
 Static public function to load model records from an XML stream. More...
static int write_modelrecs (QXmlStreamWriter &xml, QVector< US_ModelRecord > &, QString &, int &, double &, double &, double &, double &, int &)
 Static public function to write model records to an XML stream. More...
static void elite_limits (QVector< US_ModelRecord > &, int &, double &, double &, double &, double &, double &, double &, double &, double &)
 Static public function to determine model records elite limits. More...
static int recompute_mrecs (int &, double &, double &, double &, double &, int &, int &, double *, QVector< US_ModelRecord > &)
 Static public function to recompute mod.recs. for new iteration. More...
static int ctype_flag (const QString)
 Static public function to return integer curve-type flag for given text. More...
static QString ctype_text (const int)
 Static public function to return curve-type text for given integer flag. More...
static int stype_flag (const QString)
 Static public function to return integer solute-type flag for given text (e.g., "013.skv") More...
static QString stype_text (const int)
 Static public function to return solute-type text for given integer flag (e.g., 11 == o013) More...

Public Member Functions

 US_ModelRecord ()
 Constructor for model record class. More...
 ~US_ModelRecord ()
bool operator< (const US_ModelRecord &mrec) const
 A test for ordering model descriptions. Sort by variance. More...

Public Attributes

int taskx
 Task index (submit order) More...
int ctype
 Curve type (1/2/4/8=>SL/IS/DS/HL) More...
int stype
 Solute type xyz mask. More...
int mrecID
 pcsa_modelrec DB ID More...
int editID
 editedData DB ID More...
int modelID
 best-model model DB ID (or 0) More...
int v_ctype
 overall vector curve type (7=>All) More...
double str_y
 Start k value. More...
double end_y
 End k value. More...
double par1
 Sigmoid/PL par1/A value. More...
double par2
 Sigmoid/PL par2/B value. More...
double par3
 Power Law par3/C value. More...
double variance
 Variance value. More...
double rmsd
 RMSD value. More...
double xmin
 Minimum s value. More...
double xmax
 Maximum s value. More...
double ymin
 Minimum k value. More...
double ymax
 Maximum k value. More...
QString mrecGUID
 Model record GUID. More...
QString editGUID
 Model record GUID. More...
QString modelGUID
 Best Model GUID (or NULL) More...
QVector< US_ZSoluteisolutes
 Input solutes. More...
QVector< US_ZSolutecsolutes
 Computed solutes. More...
QVector< double > ti_noise
 Computed TI noise. More...
QVector< double > ri_noise
 Computed RI noise. More...
US_Model model
 Computed model. More...
US_DataIO::RawData sim_data
 Simulation data from this fit. More...
US_DataIO::RawData residuals
 Residuals data from this fit. More...

Detailed Description

US_ModelRecord object.

This class sets up a record of a model used in the set of models defined by curves in PCSA. A vector of such objects can be sorted and evaluated in analysis and display of a PCSA run.

Definition at line 31 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

US_ModelRecord::US_ModelRecord ( void  )

Constructor for model record class.

Definition at line 8 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

US_ModelRecord::~US_ModelRecord ( )

Definition at line 36 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void US_ModelRecord::clear_data ( void  )

A public slot to clear data vectors (sim_data,residuals,noise)

Definition at line 45 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

int US_ModelRecord::compute_2ndorder ( double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax,
int &  nypts,
int &  nlpts,
double *  parlims,
QVector< US_ModelRecord > &  mrecs 

Static public function to compute 2nd-order line model records.

xminX-value minimum
xmaxX-value maximum
yminY-value minimum
ymaxY-value maximum
nyptsNumber of y start and end point variations
nlptsNumber of line solute points
parlimsParameter limits array: yslo, yshi, yelo, yehi
mrecsReference for generated model records vector
Number of model line records generated

Definition at line 293 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

int US_ModelRecord::compute_hlines ( double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax,
int &  nypts,
int &  nlpts,
double *  parlims,
QVector< US_ModelRecord > &  mrecs 

Static public function to compute horizontal line model records.

xminX-value minimum
xmaxX-value maximum
yminY-value minimum
ymaxY-value maximum
nyptsNumber of y value variations
nlptsNumber of line solute points
parlimsParameter limits array: yslo, yshi, yelo, yehi
mrecsReference for generated model records vector
Number of model line records generated

Definition at line 231 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

int US_ModelRecord::compute_sigmoids ( int &  ctype,
double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax,
int &  nypts,
int &  nlpts,
double *  parlims,
QVector< US_ModelRecord > &  mrecs 

Static public function to compute sigmoid curve model records.

ctypeCurve-type flag (2/4 -> IS/DS)
xminX-value minimum
xmaxX-value maximum
yminY-value minimum
ymaxY-value maximum
nyptsNumber of y start and end point variations
nlptsNumber of line solute points
parlimsParameter limits array: yslo, yshi, yelo, yehi
mrecsReference for generated model records vector
Number of model line records generated

Definition at line 137 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

int US_ModelRecord::compute_slines ( double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax,
int &  nypts,
int &  nlpts,
double *  parlims,
QVector< US_ModelRecord > &  mrecs 

Static public function to compute straight line model records.

xminX-value minimum
xmaxX-value maximum
yminY-value minimum
ymaxY-value maximum
nyptsNumber of y start and end point variations
nlptsNumber of line solute points
parlimsParameter limits array: yslo, yshi, yelo, yehi, ...
mrecsReference for generated model records vector
Number of model line records generated

Definition at line 56 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

int US_ModelRecord::ctype_flag ( const QString  s_ctype)

Static public function to return integer curve-type flag for given text.

s_ctypeString representation of curve type
Integer flag representation of curve type

Definition at line 1045 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

QString US_ModelRecord::ctype_text ( const int  i_ctype)

Static public function to return curve-type text for given integer flag.

i_ctypeInteger flag representation of curve type
String representation of curve type

Definition at line 1059 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

void US_ModelRecord::elite_limits ( QVector< US_ModelRecord > &  mrecs,
int &  ctype,
double &  minyv,
double &  maxyv,
double &  minp1,
double &  maxp1,
double &  minp2,
double &  maxp2,
double &  minp3,
double &  maxp3 

Static public function to determine model records elite limits.

mrecsModel records vector to scan
ctypeRef. for curve type flag: 1/2/4/7/8->SL/IS/DS/All/HL
minyvRef. for y-value minimum
maxyvRef. for y-value maximum
minp1Ref. for par1 minimum
maxp1Ref. for par1 maximum
minp2Ref. for par2 minimum
maxp2Ref. for par2 maximum
minp3Ref. for par3 minimum
maxp3Ref. for par3 maximum

Definition at line 797 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

int US_ModelRecord::load_modelrecs ( QXmlStreamReader &  xml,
QVector< US_ModelRecord > &  mrecs,
QString &  descr,
int &  ctype,
double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax,
int &  stype 

Static public function to load model records from an XML stream.

xmlXML stream from which to load model records
mrecsReference for generated model records vector
descrRef. for model records description string
ctypeRef. for curve type flag: 1/2/4/7/8->SL/IS/DS/All/HL
xminRef. for x-value minimum
xmaxRef. for x-value maximum
yminRef. for y-value minimum
ymaxRef. for y-value maximum
stypeRef. for solute type flag (e.g., 0013 for s,k,v)
Number of model line records generated

Definition at line 537 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

bool US_ModelRecord::operator< ( const US_ModelRecord mrec) const

A test for ordering model descriptions. Sort by variance.

Definition at line 70 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

int US_ModelRecord::recompute_mrecs ( int &  ctype,
double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax,
int &  nypts,
int &  nlpts,
double *  parlims,
QVector< US_ModelRecord > &  mrecs 

Static public function to recompute mod.recs. for new iteration.

ctypeRef. for curve type flag: 1/2/4/7/8->SL/IS/DS/All/HL
xminRef. for x-value minimum
xmaxRef. for x-value maximum
yminRef. for y-value minimum
ymaxRef. for y-value maximum
nyptsNumber of y value variations
nlptsNumber of line solute points
parlimsParameter limits array: yslo, yshi, yelo, yehi
mrecsReference for re-created model records vector
Number of model line records re-created

Definition at line 900 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

int US_ModelRecord::stype_flag ( const QString  s_stype)

Static public function to return integer solute-type flag for given text (e.g., "013.skv")

s_stypeString representation of solute type
Integer flag representation of solute type

Definition at line 1073 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

QString US_ModelRecord::stype_text ( const int  i_stype)

Static public function to return solute-type text for given integer flag (e.g., 11 == o013)

i_stypeInteger flag representation of solute type
String representation of curve solute

Definition at line 1084 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

int US_ModelRecord::write_modelrecs ( QXmlStreamWriter &  xml,
QVector< US_ModelRecord > &  mrecs,
QString &  descr,
int &  ctype,
double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax,
int &  stype 

Static public function to write model records to an XML stream.

xmlXML stream to which to write model records
mrecsModel records vector to represent in XML
descrRef. for model records description string
ctypeRef. for curve type flag: 1/2/4/7/8->SL/IS/DS/All/HL
xminRef. for x-value minimum
xmaxRef. for x-value maximum
yminRef. for y-value minimum
ymaxRef. for y-value maximum
stypeRef. for solute type flag (e.g., 0013 for s,k,v)
Number of model line records generated

Definition at line 698 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

QVector< US_ZSolute > US_ModelRecord::csolutes

Computed solutes.

Definition at line 61 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

int US_ModelRecord::ctype

Curve type (1/2/4/8=>SL/IS/DS/HL)

Definition at line 40 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

QString US_ModelRecord::editGUID

Model record GUID.

Definition at line 58 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

int US_ModelRecord::editID

editedData DB ID

Definition at line 43 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::end_y

End k value.

Definition at line 47 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

QVector< US_ZSolute > US_ModelRecord::isolutes

Input solutes.

Definition at line 60 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

US_Model US_ModelRecord::model

Computed model.

Definition at line 65 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

QString US_ModelRecord::modelGUID

Best Model GUID (or NULL)

Definition at line 59 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

int US_ModelRecord::modelID

best-model model DB ID (or 0)

Definition at line 44 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

QString US_ModelRecord::mrecGUID

Model record GUID.

Definition at line 57 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

int US_ModelRecord::mrecID

pcsa_modelrec DB ID

Definition at line 42 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::par1

Sigmoid/PL par1/A value.

Definition at line 48 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::par2

Sigmoid/PL par2/B value.

Definition at line 49 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::par3

Power Law par3/C value.

Definition at line 50 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

US_DataIO::RawData US_ModelRecord::residuals

Residuals data from this fit.

Definition at line 67 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

QVector< double > US_ModelRecord::ri_noise

Computed RI noise.

Definition at line 63 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::rmsd

RMSD value.

Definition at line 52 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

US_DataIO::RawData US_ModelRecord::sim_data

Simulation data from this fit.

Definition at line 66 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::str_y

Start k value.

Definition at line 46 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

int US_ModelRecord::stype

Solute type xyz mask.

Definition at line 41 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

int US_ModelRecord::taskx

Task index (submit order)

Definition at line 39 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

QVector< double > US_ModelRecord::ti_noise

Computed TI noise.

Definition at line 62 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

int US_ModelRecord::v_ctype

overall vector curve type (7=>All)

Definition at line 45 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::variance

Variance value.

Definition at line 51 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::xmax

Maximum s value.

Definition at line 54 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::xmin

Minimum s value.

Definition at line 53 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::ymax

Maximum k value.

Definition at line 56 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

double US_ModelRecord::ymin

Minimum k value.

Definition at line 55 of file us_pcsa_modelrec.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: