| US_Dcdt () |
| US_AnalysisBase2 () |
| US_Widgets (bool=true, QWidget *p=0, Qt::WindowFlags f=0) |
| ~US_Widgets (void) |
QLabel * | us_label (const QString &, int=0, int=QFont::Bold) |
QLabel * | us_textlabel (const QString &, int=-1, int=QFont::Bold) |
QLabel * | us_banner (const QString &, int=0, int=QFont::Bold) |
QPushButton * | us_pushbutton (const QString &, bool=true, int=0) |
QTextEdit * | us_textedit (void) |
QLineEdit * | us_lineedit (const QString &=0, int=-1, bool=false) |
void | us_setReadOnly (QLineEdit *, bool=true) |
void | us_setReadOnly (QTextEdit *, bool=true) |
QListWidget * | us_listwidget (int=0) |
QGridLayout * | us_checkbox (const QString &, QCheckBox *&, bool=false) |
QGridLayout * | us_radiobutton (const QString &text, QRadioButton *&rb, bool state=false) |
QProgressBar * | us_progressBar (int, int, int=0) |
QComboBox * | us_comboBox (void) |
QLCDNumber * | us_lcd (int, int=0) |
QwtCounter * | us_counter (int, double, double, double=0.0) |
QwtPlot * | us_plot (const QString &, const QString &=QString(), const QString &=QString()) |
QwtPlotGrid * | us_grid (QwtPlot *) |
QwtPlotCurve * | us_curve (QwtPlot *, const QString &) |
QwtPlotPicker * | us_picker (QwtPlot *) |
QTabWidget * | us_tabwidget (int=0, int=QFont::Bold) |
void | write_plot (const QString &, const QwtPlot *) |
| Write a plot file (PNG or SVG+PNG) from a plot. More...
int | clean_etc_dir (bool=false) |
| Clean install and work ./etc directories. More...
void | dataAreLoaded (void) |
| A signal to tell the parent when the data are loaded. More...
static QFont | fixedFont (void) |
US_Global | g |
| Connect to global memory and make the values accessible. More...
QPalette | vlgray |
| Very light gray palette for read-only line edits. More...
virtual void | reset (void) |
| Resets the class to a default state. More...
virtual void | new_triple (int) |
| Update the class to show data for a new triple. More...
virtual void | load (void) |
| Load data from a directory on disk. More...
QString | indent (int) const |
| Return pad string for indentation. More...
QString | html_header (const QString &, const QString &, US_DataIO::EditedData *) const |
| Return html header string. More...
QString | run_details (void) const |
| Return run details in an html formatted string. More...
QString | hydrodynamics (void) const |
| List solution data in an html formatted string. More...
QString | analysis (const QString &) const |
| Return smoothing and boundary factors in an html formatted string. More...
QString | scan_info (void) const |
| Return scan information in an html formatted string. More...
QString | table_row (const QString &, const QString &) const |
| Returns an html string of a two column table row. More...
QString | table_row (const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) const |
| Returns an html string of a three column table row. More...
QString | table_row (const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) const |
| Returns an html string of a five column table row. More...
QString | table_row (const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) const |
| Returns an html string of a seven column table row. More...
double | calc_baseline (void) const |
void | reportFilesToDB (QStringList &) |
| Copy report files to the database. More...
bool | write_dset_report (QString &) |
| Create a general dataset information report file. More...
virtual void | exclude (void) |
| Exclude scans in the specified range. More...
virtual void | reset_excludes (void) |
| Restore excluded scans. More...
void | smoothing (double) |
| Perform smoothing of the data. More...
void | update_filelist (QStringList &, const QString) |
| Update the list of report files. More...
virtual void | update (int) |
| Update screen for a new dataset. More...
bool | mkdir (const QString &, const QString &) |
| A utility to create a directory. More...
QVector< US_DataIO::EditedData > | dataList |
| A set of edited data for the analysis. More...
QVector< US_DataIO::RawData > | rawList |
| A set of raw data for the analysis. More...
QStringList | triples |
| The currently loaded triples in the form cell / channel / wavelength. More...
QList< int > | excludedScans |
| Scans excluded by the user beyond those excluded by US_Edit. More...
QList< QVector< double > > | savedValues |
| Current data values for the analysis. More...
US_Math2::SolutionData | solution |
| The solution data corresponding to the current triple. More...
bool | dataLoaded |
| A flag to indicate data is loaded. More...
bool | def_local |
| Flag if default source is local. More...
bool | buffLoaded |
| Flag to indicate buffer is loaded. More...
QString | directory |
| Data directory of analysis files. More...
QString | editID |
| Current edit ID. Usually a date-time. More...
QString | runID |
| User specified run ID string. More...
QString | dfilter |
| Data files filter. More...
QString | investig |
| Investigator string. More...
QString | etype_filt |
| Experiment type loader filter. More...
US_Buffer | buff |
| Currently loaded buffer. More...
US_Solution | solution_rec |
| Current data's solution. More...
US_Noise | ri_noise |
| Loaded,appl'd radially-invariant noise. More...
US_Noise | ti_noise |
| Loaded,applied time-invariant noise. More...
QVector< int > | noiflags |
| Noise-applied flags, for all triples. More...
QVector< QList< int > > | allExcls |
| Excluded scans, for all triples. More...
QVector< US_Noise > | rinoises |
| ri-noises applied, for all triples More...
QVector< US_Noise > | tinoises |
| ti-noises applied, for all triples More...
US_Help | showHelp |
| A class to display help in the US Help viewer. More...
double | time_correction |
| Time correction, centrifuge acceler. More...
double | density |
| Density of the buffer. More...
double | viscosity |
| Viscosity of the buffer. More...
double | vbar |
| Specific volume of the analyte. More...
bool | manual |
| Viscosity,Density manual. More...
QGridLayout * | mainLayout |
| Overall Layout. More...
QBoxLayout * | leftLayout |
| Layout of the left column. More...
QBoxLayout * | rightLayout |
| Layout of the right column. More...
QBoxLayout * | buttonLayout |
| Layout of the bottom button row. More...
QGridLayout * | analysisLayout |
| Layout for analysis functions. More...
QGridLayout * | runInfoLayout |
| Layout for run details. More...
QGridLayout * | parameterLayout |
| Layout for other analysis controls. More...
QGridLayout * | controlsLayout |
| Layout of analysis controls. More...
US_Plot * | plotLayout1 |
| Top plot layout. More...
US_Plot * | plotLayout2 |
| Bottom plot layout. More...
QwtPlot * | data_plot1 |
| Access to the top qwt plot. More...
QwtPlot * | data_plot2 |
| Access to the bottom qwt plot. More...
QPushButton * | pb_load |
| Pushbutton to load data. More...
QPushButton * | pb_details |
| Pushbuttion to view run details. More...
QPushButton * | pb_solution |
| Pushbuttion to get solution parameters. More...
QPushButton * | pb_view |
| Pushbuttion to view run a data report. More...
QPushButton * | pb_save |
| Pushbutton to save analysis results. More...
QPushButton * | pb_reset |
| Pushbutton to reset the screen. More...
QPushButton * | pb_help |
| Pushbutton to show help. More...
QPushButton * | pb_close |
| Pushbutton to close the application. More...
QPushButton * | pb_exclude |
| Pushbutton to exclude specified scans. More...
QPushButton * | pb_reset_exclude |
| PB to revert the excluded scan range. More...
QLineEdit * | le_id |
| Display the current RunID. More...
QLineEdit * | le_temp |
| Display/change the temperature used. More...
QTextEdit * | te_desc |
| Text edit box for discription. More...
QListWidget * | lw_triples |
| List widget containing triples. More...
QLineEdit * | le_solution |
| Display the solution description. More...
QLineEdit * | le_density |
| Display/change the density used. More...
QLineEdit * | le_viscosity |
| Display/change the viscosity. More...
QLineEdit * | le_vbar |
| Display/change the specific volume. More...
QLineEdit * | le_skipped |
| Display the number of scans skipped. More...
QwtCounter * | ct_smoothing |
| Counter for number of coefficients in polynomial smoothing function. More...
QwtCounter * | ct_boundaryPercent |
| Counter for boundary percentage specification. More...
QwtCounter * | ct_boundaryPos |
| Counter for boundary starting point. More...
QwtCounter * | ct_from |
| Counter for start of exclude range. More...
QwtCounter * | ct_to |
| Counter for end of exclude range. More...
QCheckBox * | ck_edlast |
| Checkbox for edit-lastest flag. More...
US_Disk_DB_Controls * | disk_controls |
| Radiobuttons for disk/db choice. More...
Definition at line 8 of file us_dcdt.h.