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[% INCLUDE header.us3/ title = 'UltraScan III 2-D Spectrum Analysis' %]

UltraScan 2-Dimensional Spectrum Analysis:

This module enables you to perform 2-dimensional spectrum analysis on a chosen experimental data set. Upon completion of an analysis fit, plots available include: experiment; simulation; overlayed experiment and simulation; residuals; time-invariant noise; radially-invariant noise; 3-d model. Final outputs may include one or more models and noises.

The 2DSA method is used for composition analysis of sedimentation velocity experiments. It can generate sedimentation coefficient, diffusion coefficient, frictional coefficient, f/f0 ratio, and molecular weight distributions. The distributions can be plotted as 3-dimensional plots (2 parameters from the above list against each other), with the third dimension representing the concentration of the solute found in the composition analysis. The set of all such final calculated solutes form a model which are used to generate a simulation via Lamm equations. The simulation is plotted overlaying a plot of experimental data.

Every 2DSA pass can be repeated for a specified number of refinement iterations. These iterations, in turn, can be repeated for a specified number of meniscus points or Monte Carlo iterations.

Each refinement iteration proceeds over a defined grid of s and f/f0 values. That grid is divided into subgrids as defined by a number of grid refinements in each direction.


Main Window (as it is upon open):

2DSA Main Window on open

Once an analysis is complete, the main window will appear similar to this:

2DSA Main Window, fit complete


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