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title = 'UltraScan III vHW Distribution Plot'
UltraScan vHW Distribution Plot:
In the van Holde - Weischet (vHW) Enhanced program, there is a Distribution Plot
option that brings up a dialog in which the vHW analysis data is displayed
as a distribution plot or a histogram plot. In either case, a clustering of data
around several sedimentation coefficient points indicates the presence of
multiple species in the solution.
Histogram Click on this button to change the plot from
Distribution to Histogram.
Distribution Click on this button to change the plot from
Histogram to Distribution. This is the alternate label to the same
button as above.
Hide Histogram Select hiding the histogram, showing only an envelope.
The alternate label for this button is Show Histogram
Hide Envelope Select hiding the envelope, showing only a histogram.
The alternate label for this button is Show Envelope
Sensitivity Change the sensitivity factor up or down to primarily
affect the nature of the histogram.
Smoothing Change the smoothing factor up or down to primarily
affect the nature of the envelope.
Help: Display detailed vHW Distribution/Histogram Plot help.
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