[% INCLUDE header.us3/
title = 'UltraScan III Report Generator'
UltraScan Report Generator:
This module is launched from the US main window using the
Utilities > Report Generator menu item. It enables the user to create and
view a composite report generated from selections of individual analysis
program reports and plots.
Upon launch, selection of a Run (or "all" runs) populates a data tree
with reports from which to select the components of the composite report.
A click on the "View" or the "Save" button generates the report, which can
be viewed in a browser and printed. Both the composite report HTML and all
the component reports and plots are copied to a new folder so that the
page is fully self-contained, can be archived, and can be viewed in the
Main Window:
Runs: Select a run identifier to present reports for that
run or select "all" to show all available reports of all runs.
(data tree selections) Select reports and plots for the
composite by checking the box to the left of an item. A check or
uncheck of an item above the final (report/plot) tree level selects
or de-selects all lower-level items. A check box with a shaded mark
indicates that some (not all) of the item's descendant items have
been selected. Click on the "+" or "-" boxes to expand or collapse
tree portions.
View Once selections are as desired, click on this button to
generate the composite report and view it in the configured browser.
See a
Sample composite report view..
A print within the browser can be used to generate hardcopy or a PDF
version. Component reports and plots will start on page boundaries.
Save Click this button to generate the report, but without
being immediately taken to a view of it. You will receive a
Notice of report save..
Load Profile Make component report selections by means of
a previously saved selection profile. Click this button to
initiate a
Profile Load Dialog.
Save Profile Save component report selections for later
use by clicking this button to initiate a
Profile Save Dialog.
Note that you need only specify the base name for the saved file.
An "rs_" prefix and ".xml" extension will be automatically added.
Help Display this and other documentation.
Close Close all windows and exit.
Item Row Context Menu Options:
Right-mouse-button clicking on a data tree row displays a context
menu that applies to the row item.
Show Details Release on this menu item to see an
Item Details Window.
View Item Release on this menu item to view an
Item View Window. This is a
way to preview individual items that are potential candidates for
the composite report.
Save As Save a copy of the currently selected item. The
location and name of the file copy may be chosen in the resulting
standard file dialog.
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