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[% INCLUDE header.us3/ title = 'UltraScan III Report Generator' %]

UltraScan Report Generator:

This module is launched from the US main window using the Utilities > Report Generator menu item. It enables the user to create and view a composite report generated from selections of individual analysis program reports and plots.

Upon launch, selection of a Run (or "all" runs) populates a data tree with reports from which to select the components of the composite report. A click on the "View" or the "Save" button generates the report, which can be viewed in a browser and printed. Both the composite report HTML and all the component reports and plots are copied to a new folder so that the page is fully self-contained, can be archived, and can be viewed in the future.

Main Window:

Report Generator main window


Item Row Context Menu Options:

Right-mouse-button clicking on a data tree row displays a context menu that applies to the row item.

Report Generator context menu [% INCLUDE footer.us3 %]