Ultrascan logo Manual

[% INCLUDE header.us3 title = 'UltraScan III Model Associations' %]

Model Associations:

In this dialog, you can define reversible associations of model components. Associations are constructed in terms of chemical equations with one or two analytes on one side and a product on the other.

Each association row is built by dragging a model component in the upper list to an Analyte or Product cell. As each analyte is dropped, its code letter (A, B, C, ...) appears in the cell with a subscript that represents the oligomer number of the molecule. At least one Analyte and one Product cell must be thus populated. The implied chemical equation must be balanced by setting the stoichiometry counter in each cell such that stoichiometry times oligomer value(s) on the left equals the product of stoichiometry and oligomer on the right. K_association and K_off Rate values should be entered for each row.

Once all association rows have been validly built, click the Accept button to set the reversible association parameters for the model. If a row is wrong and cannot be easily corrected, click the "D" button on the left side of the row to delete that row so that it can be rebuilt.

Model Associations

Dialog Items:

If you click on the "Accept" button and any equation does not balance, a dialog informing you of the imbalance will pop up. You then have the opportunity to correct the equation and "Accept" again or to click on the "Cancel" button.

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