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[% INCLUDE header.us3/ title = 'UltraScan III PCSA Model Lines Plot' %]

UltraScan Model Lines Plot for PCSA:

This dialog displays the lines in s x f/f0 space that define models evaluated by Parametrically Constrained Spectrum Analysis. The lines from the best models are illustrated with color coding. Worst-model lines are shown with dark gray lines or may be removed from the plot. A selected set of the best model lines contain white dots showing computed solute points, with size proportional to relative concentration.

The appearance of the plot may be governed by setting the cutoff points in terms of line counts for (1) the number of "elite" (best-model, lowest-RMSD) colored lines; (2) the number of the best models for which to show solute points; and (3) the number of overall visible lines. It is also possible to choose an alternative color map. The default color map ranges through the colors of the rainbow from red (best) to magenta (worst of the elite).

Dialog Sections:

Sample Model Lines Dialogs:

The plot dialog differs slightly based on whether the curve type is a line or a sigmoid. Below are images for sigmoids and straight line.

PCSA Sigmoid Plot

PCSA Straight-Line Plot


Note that the images and controls documented above are for model lines plots shown after a fit computation. There are also variations of this dialog showing pure single-color lines before any fit. There are 4 basic variations of this dialog depending on whether it is displayed before or after a fit and on whether the curve type is straight line or sigmoid.

[% INCLUDE footer.us3 %]