UltraScan III Version 4.0 Announcement
Dear Colleagues,
I am happy to announce the release of UltraScan-III version 4.0!
Our latest release has many new features (and undoubtedly many
new bugs), but also many bug fixes and improvements in the interface.
Some of the highlights:
- Full integration of US-SOMO based on the same Qt5.x framework
- Multi-platform support for Windows, Linux and Macintosh OS with full database and LIMS integration
- Support for the new timestate feature of the Optima AUC, allowing an arbitrary number of speed steps and acceleration zones to be correctly modeled with rotor stretch and 1 second accuracy acceleration profiles in the finite element solutions, providing improved RMSDs.
- support for fully threaded fitting applications and unlimited amount of RAM, allowing desktop fitting to take advantage of large multi-core desktop computers.
- direct integration with the new Optima AUC instrument. Live monitoring of data acquisition and direct data import from the AUC instrument and on-the-fly openAUC data format conversion.
- rotor stretch calibrations support for the 7-channel calibration mask from Alexander Bepperling, providing superior boundary condition modeling for finite element models, further reducing RMSD values.
- many new interface improvements. Simplification of solution, buffer, and analyte databases, data editing, rotor stretch support in finite element simulations.
- integrated buffer tables (same as Sednterp), vbar and e280 from protein sequence, and absorbance spectrum support.
- New spectral fitter and spectral decomposition tools.
- and most importantly: New multiwavelength data analysis support functions!
- 2D/3D multi-wavelength viewer + 3D movies
- 2D/3D s-value distribution viewer
- species decomposition from known basis spectra
- Optima AUC multi-wavelength analysis support
LIMS users: Please be advised that all supercomputer clusters have been upgraded as of this time to version 4.0 and all modeling will give best results when the desktop software is matched to 4.0 as well. Therefore we recommend that all users upgrade to 4.0. Some older datasets already analyzed with previous versions can still be viewed with version 3.5, which will remain available on our download website with the latest 3.5 release (revision 2379).
Users of older computers: We have discontinued the support for 32-bit software for Windows and Macintosh since all half-way modern computers now run 64-bit operating systems, and all have multi-core architectures. Nevertheless, our last 32-bit release will remain on our website for some time to support those of you still working on 32-bit computers, but will only support version 3.3.
Ultrascan-III-in-a-box users: Please contact us for specific instructions.
Please contact me (demeler@biochem.uthscsa.edu) or Gary Gorbet (gegorbet@gmail.com) with any questions about UltraScan-AUC. For UltraScan-SOMO questions, please contact Emre Brookes (emre@biochem.uthscsa.edu) or Mattia Rocco (mattia.rocco@hsanmartino.it).